WE Work

Who are we?

WE Office provides support for finding employment to, among others, refugees with legal status. The primary goal is always to secure and maintain a suitable job. WE Office, together with its clients, assesses their potential in the job market and seeks ways to optimize it. Ultimately, the aim is to gradually reduce the level of support so that it can be taken over by the employer.

What does WE Office do? In general, WE Office assists its clients in securing and retaining paid employment. The specific tasks typically include the following:

  1. Conducting registration and initial assessment of job seekers.
  2. Collaborating with job seekers to determine the most suitable roles for them.
  3. Identifying and recording the necessary conditions to adequately prepare job seekers for labor market entry.
  4. Discussing potential adjustments to job tasks and/or work environments with (representatives of) the employer.
  5. Developing an orientation and support plan.
  6. Offering various forms of assistance to clients during their employment.
  7. Providing job interview training.
  8. Maintaining contact with supervisors and other support organizations as necessary.
  9. Handling administrative procedures related to client placements.
  10. Applying for and processing potential subsidies and other programs.

How does WE Office work? In collaboration with municipalities where refugees with legal status are settled and in cooperation with our trusted clients, WE Office provides opportunities for education or trial placements. In nearly all cases, this leads to actual integration into the Dutch labor market.

Through on-the-job training, we ensure a rapid process of integration; both the municipality and businesses are enthusiastic about this approach. The municipality wants refugees with legal status to integrate into Dutch society as quickly as possible, and our clients recognize that with our careful guidance, refugees with legal status become valuable assets to their companies.

In this manner, refugees with legal status can actively participate in the workforce and contribute to our society. This not only offers them independence and fulfillment but also allows them to transition from relying on social assistance to managing their finances independently.

We expect refugees with legal status to be highly motivated. In the Netherlands, there is a substantial demand for skilled workers in various fields, and proficiency is rigorously assessed before placement can occur. Currently, we have 600 skilled individuals with legal status under our wing.

If this resonates with you, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can take the initial steps together towards finding a suitable job. You can reach us at the following phone number: 0617421721, via email: info@weoffice.nl, or by filling out the form below.

WE Work